Friday, June 5, 2015

What To Know About Reiki Attunement Portland Oregon

By Beverly C. Ralph

Alternative forms of healing are becoming a topic of interest for more people in the modern day. Reiki falls under this category of alternative medicine or healing. It refers to a Japanese technique that has been employed for many years to promote wellness and healing in people. It is utilized by all kinds of people around the globe. People interested in this practice and its benefits should do research on Reiki attunement Portland Oregon.

Anyone who wants to learn this is able to do so. It is not something that takes years to master. In fact, this is passed on from a teacher to his or her student through simple lessons. Many consider this a pure form of healing that involves tapping into positive energies. Although a spiritual process, this is not linked to a specific faith or religious system.

Reiki masters teach techniques to their students. In this practice, students will experience the opening of their palm, heart and crown chakras. This is an important step in the process because it helps with establishing a connection between the source of Reiki and students. Many consider this a big spiritual experience because attunement energies are passed along to students via masters.

People who have this done may notice an increase in their psychic abilities. Students have said they feel as if their third eye has been opened, upon the completion of this process. They are generally more able and aware. After the process is complete, this stays with a person for life. It is never lost or lessened.

Usually the process starts with cleansing of the physical self, mind and emotions. This is when toxins from the body are released, as well as negative feelings or thought patterns. Purification is usually done ahead of attunement as a way to improve the results of the process.

A lot may be done to prepare for this process and improve finally results. People are encouraged to stop eating fish, fowl or meat for three days before the session. These typically contain drugs, pesticides and other harmful components that can negatively effect the system and cause imbalance. Juice or water fasts may be beneficial to do in advance of attunement.

People are encouraged to minimize their consumption of caffeinated drinks, including coffee. Caffeine throws off the endocrine and nervous systems. It is suggested that people eliminate or limit checking news sources, sweets, alcohol, and smoking. It would be better if they spent more time in nature, went on walks, released negativity, became more aware, meditated and exercised. These changes should be done prior to attunement as a way to improve its results. Still, it is important to understand that results will vary by person.

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