Monday, March 2, 2015

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Helped By Chiropractor In Lancaster

By Rae Patricio

For office employees and workers engaged in repetitious activities, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ranks among the most serious health threats they'll face. This condition, which is often referred to simply as CTS, presents as severe wrist pain, numbness, and weakness in the hands. Movement can also be impaired. Fortunately, Lancaster chiropractic professionals have solutions that can aid patients with this problem.

The modern work environment is far less strenuous than it used to be, but it also has more tasks that the average worker is required to repeat on a regular basis. This constant repetition places stress on the carpal tunnel, and can damage the nerves that tunnel is designed to protect. That leads to the pain and weakness seen in most of these patients.

Chiropractic care can have many benefits for those at risk for the condition. In most instances, spinal adjustments, massages, and manual manipulation of the area can stop the syndrome before it fully takes root. Patients can also receive instruction on exercises, proper posture, and other techniques designed to limit the stress.

For patients already suffering from the syndrome, the focus turns to stress reduction. Inflammation and stress must be reduced to promote healing. That is best accomplished through techniques that directly massage and manipulate the tissues affected so that normal blood flow can resume and nerves can decompress.

One or two meetings with the chiropractor are usually required for positive results to occur. Patients should be prepared for multiple sessions if they want to properly address the issue, however. As a direct result of that therapy process, many sufferers see feeling return to their hands, and a reduction in pain.

Without proper care, CTS can cost the average sufferer tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills and lost wages. By receiving the natural and safe therapy chiropractors provide, any patient can receive the care he needs and have a chance to regain his lost quality of life.

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