Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Why You Should Quit Smoking & Vape Instead

By Billy Genthner

For those who wish to quit smoking the traditional tobacco cigarette, it can be tough to quit the habit. People try gums, patches, counseling and much more to break the habit. For some, vaping can be a good option, allowing you to stop using these tobacco products. While there are a number of detractors out there telling you not to vape, there are some reasons why it might be good to consider some of the benefits of using electronic cigarettes as opposed to regular cigarettes.

1. You Can Gradually Reduce The Nicotine Level

As we all know, nicotine is what makes cigarettes addictive and it's one of the toughest addictions to beat. The level of nicotine in a typical cigarette is about 12 mg, but some have a bit less and some contain as much as 20 mg. Wholesale e-liquids can contain nicotine, but you also can purchase e-liquids that contain no nicotine or levels in between. You can start out with a higher level and gradually you can use less and less nicotine and eventually wean off the substance entirely and vape using wholesale e-liquids that are nicotine-free. Most flavors can be purchased without nicotine, so if you continue to vape once you stop using nicotine, you still can enjoy your favorite e-liquids.

2. It's Not Just About Cutting Nicotine

Wholesale e-liquids contain about four ingredients and these include propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, natural or artificial flavoring and possibly nicotine. Propylene glycol might sound scary, but it is found in many food products, as well as some medicines and is considered safe and non-toxic by the USDA. Your tobacco cigarette, however, includes ingredients such as tar, cyanide, ammonia, arsenic, formaldehyde and hundreds of other toxins. When you make the switch to wholesale e-cigarettes, you immediately will stop breathing in these toxins and you won't be exposing anyone else to them via second-hand smoke.

3. Vaping & Safety

There are plenty of people out there who are concerned about the ingredients in E-liquids, and we could get into a debate and go back and forth for hours, but there are some safety aspects about wholesale electronic cigarettes that are tough to argue. For instance, a traditional cigarette essentially is on fire while you use it. This means it has the potential to cause fires, either structure fires or brush fires. In fact, cigarettes are the leading cause of house fires in the nation and, thus far, house fires have not been caused by electronic cigarettes. This is because they are battery-powered and not lit. In addition, they produce no smoke, so you won't be spreading about copious amounts of toxic second-hand smoke with a wholesale E-cig.

4. The Savings Is Another Big Plus

Cigarettes aren't cheap, and most states not only charge you for the product, they pile on a ton of extra taxes and fees. For instance, the cost of a pack of cigarettes in New York is more than $12. That adds up to more than $4,000 per year if you smoke about a pack a day and live in New York. Even in states such as Virginia, where you might pay $5 or $6 per pack, this is still about $1,900 per year that you spend on your cigarettes.

This is another reason to consider vaping, as the cost of using electronic cigarettes can be hundreds and hundreds of dollars less expensive every year. You will need to purchase equipment to get started, but that's a one-time cost. Wholesale E-liquids can be quite inexpensive when compared to regular cigarettes, and you can buy disposable cartridges or save a bit more and fill up your own re-usable cartridges. It pays to shop around, both to find great flavors and the best possible prices. Add it all up, and you will find that vaping, in general, can be a safer and more affordable option than continuing to smoke your tobacco cigarettes.

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