Saturday, August 14, 2010

Examining Various Kinds Of Diets

By Ahmed Abdelaziz

Obesity has become a serious epidemic in our society. It is a chronic and frustrating issue that is causing serious health problems to millions and millions of people around the world. The factors that are causing this problem are fairly straightforward, yet very difficult to overcome. These factors include the sedentary lifestyle that many people live, and the constant intake of processed foods. If you are struggling with weight, it might be time to consider a diet.

Losing weight and developing lean, toned muscles will require more from you than a simple change in eating habits. Losing weight requires a complete overhaul of one's entire lifestyle. These changes usually fail because individuals cannot cope with the radical change in eating habits and the active lifestyle that is necessary. If you have the drive and determination to finally shed those pounds, you need to start with what you put into your body.

One popular idea that might be right for you is the vegetarian, or vegan diet. Essentially, this plan aims to eliminate the majority of meats from your meals. People who embrace a vegetarian lifestyle are shown to be at lower risk of developing obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension. This is the result of ingesting fewer saturated fats and less cholesterol, while increasing complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and other types of vitamins and minerals.

Many people opt for the low carb approach. This method is proven to aid in weight loss, and can be extremely helpful for those who are obese. It will allow the individual to maintain more stable blood glucose levels, which will result in less overall hunger and fewer appetite swings. It is important, however, that you learn to recognize "good" and "bad" carbohydrates. Leave the carbs found in bread and pastas behind, instead opting for the ideal carbs that are found in vegetables and fruit.

The low fat method is probably the most popular and most utilized type of dietary change that people try. There are many benefits to lowering the amount of fat that you consume in your meals. Not only will it help you lose weight and control weight fluctuation, but it can also lower your cholesterol and lessen your overall risk of stroke and heart disease. This benefit is due to the elimination of saturated fats and trans fats.

One of the most important things that you can do to facilitate weight loss and overall health is to begin eliminating processed foods from your meals. This can be extremely difficult, especially since the majority of the foods available in grocery stores are processed for various reasons, including longer shelf life. Try to replace canned and packaged foods will fresh, green vegetables and fruits. This difficult but important step will go a long way in helping you reach your goals.

One interesting and simple change that can be wildly beneficial is a very basic change in one's eating schedule. The classic "three meals a day" meal plan method is widely being abandoned in favor of smaller portions more often. The ideal balance to go for would be 5 small meals every 3 hours or so. Aim to ingest between 300 and 500 calories per meal, depending on body weight. By doing this you will be maintaining blood sugar and glucose levels that will help control hunger, as well as keeping your metabolism active more often.

Diets are a very difficult thing to get a grasp of. With so many different types, it can be overwhelming when trying to figure out what is right for you. For this reason, it is important that you speak with a doctor before radically altering the way you eat. Also important to this process is living an active lifestyle and developing a regular cardiovascular and muscle development program.

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