Monday, August 2, 2010

Identifying Which Menopause Treatment Is Right For All Woman

By Caleb Parker

It can be very frustrating to have to try lots of supposed remedies in an attempt to treat your menopause. You might have friends surrounding you that have found good treatment methods. They might even be pushing you to try the things they have tried. Try to remind yourself that they mean well. They just want to help you find a way to feel better than you do now.

There was a time when women did not know what to do for the sometimes-miserable changes. Choosing from the various treatment methods available these days will assist you in decreasing your symptoms. You cannot count on what worked for your friend working for you because we all react differently to the various remedies available. Amazingly, there are treatments that are available which have proven to work well for the majority of women. The treatments discussed below are worth the time it will take to explore them.

1. One of the most powerful ways to avoid drugs and medicines while going through the menopausal changes is to focus on a supremely healthy diet, one loaded with fruits and veggies and low on the sugar and chemicals. This regimen is good for anyone, at any age - but it's especially helpful for women and helps to balance her moods and minimize any symptoms of these dramatic ups and downs.

2. Isoflavones are also found in some beans. The use of foods containing phytoestrogens helps many women avoid using synthetic hormone replacement therapy. Some women report feeling a decrease in their symptoms. One thing's for sure: eating nutritiously cannot possibly harm anyone.

3. Hormone therapy has also been reported to diminish these symptoms. Women are warned by researchers and some medical personnel to be cautious about using these substances. After all, women have lived for tens of thousands of years without additional hormones.

4. Increase your intake of Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a beneficial vitamin during menopause. A dose of Vitamin E on a regular basis can reduce the intensity of hot flashes. Just as most other herbal remedies are said to be inconclusive as to their results, Vitamin E is no exception. Should you choose to increase Vitamin E intake it is recommended that you eat more foods high in the vitamin. Dietary supplement medication of Vitamin E is more difficult for your system to absorb.

5. The biggest difference is that a woman going through (and having gone through) menopause needs more calcium than someone who hasn't gone through menopause yet. At least 1200 mgs of calcium are needed every day if a woman wants to prevent the loss of her bone density and osteoporosis.

6. Visit your doctor often. Once a year is usually not enough for women who are going through menopause. You should see your doctor every three or four months. You need to do this so that you can keep your doctor informed about your symptoms, your treatments and your progress. This also allows your doctor to keep tabs on any medications you may be taking to treat your menopause pharmaceutically. Your doctor will also be able to catch various conditions as they develop by using regular pap smears and other screeners (like lipid level tests). This will be very beneficial if you start to show signs of aging issues or other kinds of disease.

You cannot universally treat menopause. There isn't a sole treatment that will help every woman. Lost of women find that the best menopause treatment is to combine each of the major treatment categories: medicinal, herbal and lifestyle treatments. There are, however, some women who decide to only use one kind of treatment. Still others try to pretend that the menopause is not happening at all. You will know what is right for you. Just make sure that you run all of your menopause treatment choices past your doctor before trying them. Get approval from your doctor before you try anything new. You don't want to do more harm than good to yourself.

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