Sunday, August 29, 2010

Healthy Recipes: Tips On How To Include A Nutritious Diet

By Judie Foster

Healthy Breakfast Food Recipes

1. It helps to plan ahead. That's where your dry erase board comes in handy. One may buy boards which have monthly or weekly calendars printed on them. If yours doesn't, that's okay. You could just list the days down the side or draw your own weekly calendar on it with permanent marker so it doesn't wipe off.

When planning your dinners for the week, keep in mind any nights you'll be busy or getting home late and plan the fastest meals for then. Also bear in mind, any perishables you will need to use up that week, and plan your meals to include them. Soups and casseroles are a wonderful way to make use of veggies which are starting to wilt. You could also make sure you have everything available to cook your meals for the week, reducing last minute trips to the grocery store.

2. When cooking healthy recipes, the main focus should be on vegetables. Avoid oils, cream sauces, or using a lot of dairy products or meat. Healthy proteins like beans or tofu can replace meat in a lot of meals. In your favorite recipes, consider healthy substitutions where possible. Some examples are:

Substitute half the oil or shortening in baked goods with sugar free applesauce. Canola and olive oils are generally healthier than other kinds of oil and one should use them as often as possible. Ideally throw away the yellow part of an egg and only use the egg white Flour and whole wheat pasta are good healthy foods Avoid fatty dairy products. Use 2% skim milk only. If a recipe needs lots of cream think about using powdered no-fat milk paste. Use low sodium options when available. Make use of brown rice as opposed to white rice. Think meat as a side dish at best instead of a main dish and ideally try to avoid meat atleast 3 days a week..

3. Choose recipes that can be made with healthy, quick cooking methods. A stir-fry only takes a few minutes to prepare. You can stir-fry vegetables and meats or tofu in a tablespoon of canola oil for just a some time after which you can use them to top rice or whole wheat or buckwheat noodles. Steaming is another healthy method of cooking. There are microwave steamers available that make it possible to enjoy steamed veggies with just a push of the button. Other healthy cooking methods are broiling, grilling, and braising.

Also consider uncooked meals for the quickest preparation. Salads, sandwiches and wraps are nutritious and only take a few minutes.

4. Whilst cooking meat it's best to not store raw meat for long Ideally cook all the meat in a healthy way and store it in meal sized proportions. The same applies for vegetables. Cut vegetables and store in advance and use when needed.

5. Keep track of food you and your family enjoy and jot them in your private cookbook. You could collect recipes in a file and write down experiments that did the trick and have them available when you are feeling insipid. If you are making alternate arrangements, remember to note it on the recipe so you will recollect next time. Once you prepare a recipe in your binder, make a remark of anything you would like to do differently next time and the time it took you to prepare it. This will help you whenever you plan future meals.

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